Featured Member - Mirinda C.

Mirinda and her husband, Marc, are Orem natives. They work full-time and when they're not working, they enjoying spending as much time together as possible.

Mirinda first heard about HarvestMarket through Facebook. To find out what it was all about she liked their page and decided to join in on the fun! As a HarvestMarket member Mirinda says,

"HarvestMarket is a healthy habit to get into. So many veggies with no hassles making healthy eating more attainable for my family. I like the variety of fruits and veggies week to week. I'm always excited to see what's in the basket!"

Mirinda keeps her fruits on the counter for a quick breakfast or snack and turns the veggies into healthy dinners.

Mirinda recommends HarvestMarket because "the variety and value are awesome!"