Featured Member - Ciara D.

Ciara D. is a car-less student at Utah Valley University studying to become a teacher. In addition, she works part-time and loves spending time with her free-range Guinea Pigs.   

Ciara lives in Orem and first heard about HarvestMarket through her neighborhood. When asked about why she chooses HarvestMarket she said, "I love HarvestMarket because the produce is better, cheaper, delivered [close to her home], and a great variety. I love co-ops! They are amazing!

In her own words, Ciara writes that, "although I am only one person, I try hard to eat a lot of the produce but also share what I don't eat with my Guinea Pigs that love it. We go through the produce quickly." She also says, "HarvestMarket is amazing. I love the concept and the produce, and I have never been disappointed. 

Ciara highly recommends HarvestMarket because of "all of the reasons that I love it!"