Q1) I'm new to HarvestMarket Co-op, how do I get involved?
Q2) How is HarvestMarket Co-op different from other food co-ops?
Q3) How much does a basket of produce through HarvestMarket cost?
Q4) Are there additional fees associated with the co-op?
Q5) What is in a weekly basket?
Q6) Where does the produce come from? Is it as safe as produce at the grocery store?
Q7) How do I pick up my basket?
Q8) May I share my basket?
Q9) How do I pay for my weekly basket?
Q10) What if I don't use credit/debit cards or PayPal? May I pay cash when I pick up my basket?
Q11) When can I order my weekly basket?
Q12) What happens if I don't order during the open ordering timeframe?
Q13) What if I don't see a location close to my home?
Q14) What do you do with unclaimed produce?
Q15) Can I pick up my basket on a different day or at a different time?
Q16) What if I can't pick up my basket? Can I send someone else in my place?
Q17) Is delivery available?
Q18) What if I forgot to order online? May I buy a basket at a site?
Q19) Do you recycle or have a green policy?
Q20) May I cancel an order?
Q21) May I change pickup locations after I place an order?
Q22) What if forget to bring a container to carry my produce home?
Q23) What if I don't know how to prepare an item of produce?
Q24) Who do I contact if I have a problem with my order?
Q25) How do I volunteer?
Q26) How can I bring HarvestMarket Co-op to my neighborhood?

Q1) I'm new to HarvestMarket Co-op, how do I get involved?
Welcome to HarvestMarket Co-op! We're excited for your involvement and have created a special page specifically tailored to your needs. Visit the New Members page to read step-by-step instructions on joining and ordering for the first time!

Q2) How is HarvestMarket Co-op different from other food co-ops?
HarvestMarket Co-op is unique because it is a Utah-based co-op where Utah families come together to purchase high-quality, #1 produce. As a Utah-based co-op we purchase local produce whenever possible and contribute to the local economy by paying a 6.85% Utah State sales tax on each basket.

Q3) How much does a basket of produce through HarvestMarket cost?
Each basket of produce (that includes a variety of six fruits and six vegetables) costs $14.95.

Q4) Are there additional fees associated with the co-op?
Yes, although they are minimal. Because HarvestMarket is a co-op, each member contributes a one-time fee of $5.95 to join. This fee goes towards site start-up fees such as baskets. Additionally, each basket has a shipping/handling fee of $1.50 and a sales tax of 3%.

The total cost of a basket including shipping/handling and taxes is $16.94, an approximate 50% savings each week!

Q5) What is in a weekly basket?
Each week the produce basket contains a variety of six seasonal fruits and six vegetables based on value and availability. We work with a local wholesaler to get the most produce for $14.95 while still providing a delicious, fresh variety.

Q6) Where does the produce come from? Is it as safe as produce at the grocery store?
The produce included in the HarvestMarket baskets is #1 produce from a local Utah wholesaler and is the same produce provided in local grocery stores. When possible, local wholesalers select locally-grown produce. When that becomes impossible due to weather, the wholesaler selects other properly-grown, delicious produce.

Q7) How do I pick up my basket?
On Saturday morning, be on time to your designated pick-up site with a copy of your receipt and a bag or basket with which to transport your produce. Show site volunteers your receipt and carefully transfer your produce to your bag or basket (we suggest putting the largest and most durable produce on the bottom and the lightest and most delicate produce on the bottom. If you have any questions that morning, volunteers will be there to answer any questions you may have.

Q8) May I share my basket?
Of course! Some or our members have found that they don't consume a complete basket each week. We encourage you to share extras when you can! Please feel free to join together and share a basket with a neighbor, friend, or relative. Even if you end up sharing, you will still benefit from the co-op savings. Some unique sharing ideas include college students sharing among roommates or donating extra produce to a family in need.

Q9) How do I pay for my weekly basket?
Through the PayPal system, we accept VISA and MasterCard Credit and Debit cards. We also accept traditional PayPal payments.

Q10) What if I don't use credit/debit cards or PayPal? May I pay cash when I pick up my basket?
Unfortunately, we do not accept cash at this time. A traditional PayPal payment is an acceptable alternative to a card. Occasionally, there may be an extra basket for purchase at your location on a first-come-first-served basis. At that time, only a personal check can be accepted.

Q11) When can I order my weekly basket?
The website is open for ordering starting (each) Saturday at 5:00 pm MST and continuing through Thursday at 10:00 pm MST for the next Saturday’s delivery.

Q12) What happens if I don't order during the open ordering timeframe?
Because we have to plan the collective purchase ahead of time, you must order during the open ordering timeframe. If for some reason you were unable to do so, you will have to wait until the next week to place an order. We recommend creating an e-mail reminder for when the website opens each Saturday at 5:00 pm.

Q13) What if I don't see a location close to my home?
If you don't see a location close to your home, we encourage you to start taking with friends and neighbors about implementing a HarvestMarket Location. For more information about starting up a new site, visit Start a New Location under the Pick-up Location Tab. In the meantime, we encourage you to begin saving through HarvestMarket at another location.

Q14) What do you do with unclaimed produce?
Any unclaimed produce will be donated to local charities or food banks.

Q15) Can I pick up my basket on a different day or at a different time?
To ensure efficiency, your basket must be picked up on the day and time for the location you selected.

Q16) What if I can't pick up my basket? Can I send someone else in my place?
If you are unable to pick-up your basket, you may send someone else with your receipt to get it for you.

Q17) Is delivery available?
Delivery is not available at this time. If you are interested in establishing a location closer to your home please visit the locations page.

Q18) What if I forgot to order online? May I buy a basket at a site?
Although it is not guaranteed, there may be extra baskets available at pick-up locations. We don’t know until the produce arrives the day of if there are extras. If there are extra baskets, speak with the site coordinator among purchasing the extra basket. Remember, at that point only checks would be accepted as payment.

Q19) Do you recycle or have a green policy?
Yes, to be responsible neighbors, we recycle! All recyclable and non-recylcable materials are divided among co-op members to be placed in the proper bins. We have found that by dividing the responsibility, it becomes a lot easier to discard the containers effectively.

Q20) May I cancel an order?
Unfortunately once an order has been placed, no changes can be made. You can however, send a friend, family member, or neighbor to pickup your produce.

Q21) May I change pickup locations after I place an order?
To maintain an accurate count at pick-up locations, you may not change your pickup location after ordering.

Q22) What if forget to bring a container to carry my produce home?
If you forget a container, some boxes may be available at your location at pick up. If not, we encourage you to to carefully transfer your produce to your car, taking into consideration the size and durability of the various produce. After you transfer your produce to your car, we request that you return the basket to your site coordinator.

Q23) What if I don't know how to prepare an item of produce?
If you have questions about how to use or prepare an item of produce check out the HarvestMarket Co-op blog to find storage tips, recipes, and more!

Q24) Who do I contact if I have a problem with my order?
If for any reason you encounter a problem at pick-up, please speak with the Team Leader at your location. If you have already gone home, please contact us.

Q25) How do I volunteer?
Volunteering makes HarvestMarket happen! If you are interested in volunteering at your site, learn more and sign up here.

Q26) How can I bring HarvestMarket Co-op to my neighborhood?
Starting a new site with HarvestMarket is simple. If you are interested, learn more here.

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